Tourist Hospitalized after Riding Fatso the Crocodile

Yeah - where else - this is from Australia.

A guy, lets call him Dumb Dumb, gets kicked out a pub for being too drunk. So, instead of stumbling his way home, he decides to go to the zoo. There, he finds the croc enclosure, home to 16ft long Fatso and two smaller females. Thinking it would be a bit of fun, Dumb Dumb climbs over the barbed wire fence, gets into the enclosure, and then tries to cowboy the big croc. Fatso takes offense to this, turns around, and bites Dumb Dumb in the right leg, giving him "nasty lacerations."

In the words of a local police officer:

"He has attempted to sit on its back and the croc has taken offence to that and has spun around and bit him on the right leg," Broome Police Sgt. Roger Haynes said.

"Saltwater crocodiles ... once they get hold of you, are not renowned for letting you go," Haynes said. "He's lucky to have escaped with his life."

Yes - but we are not so lucky. He would have at least won a Darwin Award, and removed himself from the gene pool, which would certainly have been a good thing..


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