NAACP Racist? Maybe

This clip got the woman fired and is currently a massive issue. You see, she goes on to say that she learned her mistake and became friends with the man, and all of that happened while she was working for a non-profit, not the US govt. However, after this video came out, the Obama Administration right away forced her to resign, as their #1 priority is covering their ass. The NAACP also issued a statement against the woman... but now is trying to turn it around and say that they were tricked. Tricked by what I have not a damn clue - because this happened at one of their meetings..

Anyway, seems to me that even discussing something like this in this manner "I took the black guy to one of his own, because I did not want to deal with him" would be enough to get a white person fired. Irrespective of whether a) they later became friends or b) they should get fired.

Personally - do I think there is a double standard in this country? Yes. Absolutely. Is that justified? No.

Now - people justify it because of the incorrect conflation of race and poverty in this country. We justify institutionalized racism (affirmative action - that's what it is people) because we conflate the idea of being black with being poor and underprivileged. The sad truth is that a much higher percentage of black people are poor and underprivileged than white people - hence the conflation. But poverty and being black are not, by any means, one and the same. It is insulting and racist to think in that manner (I have long argued that liberals generally believe in racism and that most people are stupid, while libertarians are optimists who believe in individuals - just try and prove me wrong). Poverty, in general, should grant extra opportunity (affirmative action, federal school funds, federal student aid) in order to try and break people out of poverty. Race should not. Any institutionalized use of or decisions according to race is racism, end of story.

So should she have been fired? Probably not, but likely at least censured. But is the NAACP throwing stones through some nice double-glazing when it goes off on the Tea Party? Yes, it seems that way.


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