Obama Slams Binyamin Netanyahu

Obama threw a bit of a temper tantrum with Binyamin Netanyahu over settlements in Palestine. Thing is, I agree with him on this one. It is absolutely ridiculous that Israel has continued this degrading and antagonistic tactic.

Netanyahu showed up to the White House for dinner with the pres, and after showing a timeline of how he did not know an announcement for a new settlement was going to be made right when Joe the plumber Biden was meant to show up in Israel for a state visit, Obama told him to screw off think things over and “let me know if there is anything new.” Pretty damn hilarious actually.

So yeah, childish demi-god temper or a bit of backbone? Either way you look at it, I think someone did need to get pissed at Israel over their tactics. Of course, the fact that Obama spent 20 years listening to the preaching of an anti-Semitic Muslim priest might have something to do with it also.

Regardless, Israeli press are seeing it as a failure on the part of Binyamin Netanyahu and it looks like the PM's days might be numbered.


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