Cell phone popcorn.. amazing

Not sure yet if this is legit.. have a question in to someone knowledgeable about such things.. but a hell of an interesting vid. Cellphones are damn impressive, and possibly also the largest class-action lawsuit in the history of mankind, waiting to happen...

Pop Corn téléphone portable micro-ondes
Uploaded by sassiere. - News videos from around the world.

From a friend who knows about such things:
"Seems doubtful… microwaves pop popcorn by exciting water molecules, which happens at around 2.4 GHz. Cell phones don’t operate in this frequency range (closest is 2170 MHz).

If those are Wifi phones (which doesn’t seem to be the case), it might be possible, (but unlikely).

If they happen to be operating at 2170 MHz, and at high power, maybe… but the maximum power out of cell phones is around 2 watts…."


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