Homo Sapiens, Neanderthals, and Woman-X

No, this is not X-men 4, this is a new discovery of a different type of hominid seperated from us and neanderthals and living in Asia.

The full and fascinating read is here

But the short version is that the DNA from a small bone fragment shows a new different kind of proto-us living in Central Asia between 48,000 and 30,000 years ago.

To me, the crazy part is that the DNA shows that this X-woman last shared a common ancestor with humans and neanderthals 1 million years ago. This means that for about 970,000,000 years, we have no damn evidence at all of a completely different hominid species. Thats a long time.

1) We have almost no idea about how human development and the spread of homo sapiens came about (sidenote - firefox does not have the word sapiens in its dictionary. Ironic? I think so), for a really good discussion of this see Bill Bryson's a brief history of nearly everything.

2) What other types of hominids are out there that we have no idea about? So far, we dont have many - but we missed one which stuck around for at least about a million years, could we have missed a lot more? I am guessing yes.


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