Energy Star Fail - Must read

This is hilarious. Just read these paragraphs (or jump to the NYT)....

"Audit Finds Vulnerability of EnergyStar Program
Published: March 25, 2010

WASHINGTON — Does a “gasoline-powered alarm clock” qualify for the EnergyStar label, the government stamp of approval for an energy-saving product?

Like more than a dozen other bogus products submitted for approval since last June by Congressional auditors posing as companies, it easily secured the label, according to a Congressional report to be issued Friday. So did an “air purifier” that was essentially an electric space heater with a feather duster pasted on top, the Government Accountability Office said.

In a nine-month study, four fictitious companies invented by the accountability office also sought EnergyStar status for some conventional devices like dehumidifiers and heat pump models that existed only on paper. The fake companies submitted data indicating that the models consumed 20 percent less energy than even the most efficient ones on the market. Yet those applications were mostly approved without a challenge or even questions, the report said.

Auditors concluded that the EnergyStar program was highly vulnerable to fraud.

Maria Vargas, an official with the Environmental Protection Agency, which runs the program with the Energy Department, said the approvals did not pose a problem for consumers because the products never existed. There was “no fraud,” Ms. Vargas emphasized. She said she doubted that many of the 40,000 genuine products with EnergyStar status had been mislabeled."

hahah oh god the government is goddamn dumb. There is "no fraud" because the products don't exist! The kind of mind which produces that logic, well lets say its hard to find outside of the government or a Joseph Heller novel... classic. Truly classic.

Its gets better, or at least keeps going:
"Ms. Vargas added that the automated system that green-lighted the clock was only a preliminary “screen” to evaluate energy figures submitted by manufacturers and to cut out products that did not qualify. Every product that is certified is reviewed by a human being, she said."

Senator Susan Collins, response? "I don’t think I’d admit that.” Hahah yeah - I think I would stick to the fact that there were no humans involved, anywhere. Sen. Collins had requested the study.

Other brilliant elements of this government plan which plays such a large role in moving towards a greener and more energy efficient future (and recently had $600million in stimulus money thrown at it - sure its not trillions but its still a hell of a lot of money).

"The program requires manufacturers of windows and fluorescent lights to get their products certified by independent laboratories. But companies that make refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, water heaters and room air-conditioners, in which efficiency is far more critical because they gobble more energy, need only check a box on a form to be certified.

Program officials told the auditors that they sought to assure honesty by warning corporate applicants on some of its paperwork that intentionally submitting false information is a crime, under Title 18 of the United States Code.

But it is a crime under Title 19, not 18, and the warning does not appear on all of the relevant forms, the report said."

Yeah.... I nominate a industry set-up and negotiated organization to take the place of the energy star program. You see, the thing is the EPA and DoE dont really give a damn. But if it were the industry, then competitors would seek to ensure that their investments in their products were properly recognized. How people still trust the government to run anything (cough.. healthcare.. cough cough) amazes me.


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