The Ad Palm should have been using all along

Those who love the Palm Pre and WebOS (such as engadget, the internet's largest tech blog) have been consistently frustrated by the terrible advertising it has been given. Regardless of hardware, WebOS is the best operating system currently available on a phone, any phone, anywhere. Yet palm really blew it. Their exclusivity agreement with Sprint meant that the droid got the attention as the first iPhone comparable phone for big red Verizon, and Palm's advertising was either weird, forgettable, or creepy, depending on how you looked at it.

The sad thing is that it could well mean Palm and WebOS do not survive, regardless of the fact that for most phone users it is the most intuitive, friendly, easy to use and advanced OS (it is still the only phone OS with actual, real, honest to goodness multitasking, which I use all the damn time, I actually rarely have less than 4 programs open at any one time).

Anyway, here is a fan ad which is sadly (because who knows where they have been putting their money) much much better than anything Palm has been able to come up with.


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