Men Better Drivers than Women!!!... sorta... ok not really


This is not actually shocking news. Per mile driven, women tend to get into more accidents, but they tend to be little ones, a lot more fender benders for example. This is why a lot of women get excited about Volvo's "dont run into the guy ahead of you" technology. Men do not tend to do this.

Men tend to kill people, including themselves.

According to a major new study by the Social Issues Research Centre (SIRC) men are 50 percent to 100 percent more likely to be behind the wheel in a fatal accident than the 50% of the human race which generally views speeding as a tool rather than sport. Turns out that men in generally are not big on this whole following the rules thing. Several studies show men are more likely to drink and drive, run a red light, race other drivers and tailgate. I have to say that I am absolutely.. in agreement. Personal experience has shown that men do drive aggressively, especially while driving minivans. Personal experience has also shown that the idiot in the left lane is more likely to move into the right lane when the grill of your truck is 7.5 inches from his rear bumper. There is something to be said for that as well.

Authors of the study point to men's history of hunting to explain our need for speed. I would also point to men's history of forgetfulness and thus need to weave through traffic to make it to their date on time.


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