Back in the 1950's, visionary architect Frank Lloyd Wright (and Norm's favorite architect of all time), decided to change his perspective somewhat. He was known, and still is known, for his houses, and often for relatively flat structures designed to fit in well with their surroundings. But in the city, the surroundings are other skyscrapers, and what Lloyd Wright envisioned would fit amongst them, but would also tower over them. The Illinois. It was planned to be a mile tall. Wright believed that even with the construction materials and techniques available to him at that time, that it would have been possible to build the tower. However, major issues would have been the elevators required to service all of the floors. Even with multi-story elevators which open on more than one floor at once (Wright imagined five floors at once, Taipai 101 opens on 2) and the use of sky lobbies to switch into a different elevator (as the World Trade Center towers used) it was still required to...