iPad vs. Nokia n800
I have a solution for all the hipsters who want to buy an iPad (I was going to try and screw with that name to make it sound bad.. but then Apple had already done my work for me). Buy a Nokia n800. On eBay. For about $100. Nokia n800 iPad Speed 400mhz processor, decent graphics 1ghz Tegra 2 from Nvidia. Good graphics and speed Storage 256mb, with 2 SD card slots up to a 64gb total 16gb up to 64gb Display resistive touch-screen LCD 4.1 inches 800×480 at 225 dpi capacitive touch-screen LCD 9.7 inches 1024 x 768 at 132 dpi Weight/size 0.5lbs in a form factor slightly larger than an iPhone etc. Also comes with large ugly bezel. 1.5 lbs, big square ugly thing with a huge bezel and no damn hope of going in any pocket OS Maemo 2008, which means you have complete Linux style control over the device, everything on...