Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen = Physical Pain

Do not watch this movie. Or, if you do, skip the first 1:30. The last hour is actually pretty decent, as these things go. It is a big transformer battle and basically what I expected from the movie.

The first hour and a half however, is another story. It is incoherent. It is disjointed. It is creepy and sexual in strange ways. There are a lot of off-color bad sexual jokes. There are too many fast-talking annoying characters. There are racist characters (and I dont usually believe in that English Major stuff, but in this case, there really are racist characters). There is a segment of "college" that can only have been written by an old pervert trying to make college what he wished it had been.

It is bad. And this is coming from someone who loved Transformers, who went into the movie with pretty low expectations for the plot, but high expectations for the action. The latter was met in the last hour of the movie, but the price paid was just too high. I cringed more times in this movie than any movie I have ever seen.

There were long segments of the first half of the movie where I was physically in pain from watching it.

I am all for willing suspension of disbelief. I am capable of some pretty great feats of suspension in order to enjoy movies and give them the benefit of the doubt (I am there to be entertained, obviously I can tear it apart, but what is the benefit to that?). But this movie stretched me to the breaking point, and then smashed through the breaking point with idiotic plot lines, pointless characters with no explanation (T-1000 Terminator in the shape of a model, WTF?) and a lot of other crap.

Oh, and another thing that pissed me off: anthropomorphized transformers. In the first movie they had some human characteristics. Ok, thats fine, it makes sense if we want to identify with thim and like/dislike characters where we are meant to. But in this movie, they take it way too far. Transformers crying? Transformers getting old? Transformers going through generations? Transformer babies? Transformers with really strong ethnic/racial identities? What the hell is the point of all that? It was just weird, unexplained, and out of place.


I hate it when a movie I really like is followed up by a completely idiotic sequel. It would not have taken much from a director to make this movie dencent. What they churned out is a steaming pile of metal crap.


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