The GOP has not yet reached the stage of figuring out how to return to power. It has not yet reached the stage of assembling a cohesive new platform which rings well with voters. It has not yet reached the stage where it finds ways to effectively assault the popular socialist policies of Obama. It has not yet reached the stage of quietly licking its wounds and planning. It is currently in the process of tearing itself apart.

And this might be a good thing.

Palin, whatever you think of her, is a polarizing figure. Huckabee is another - but Palin is really the one to look to. Both are likely to run for President in 2012. Neither will win, but one might get the Republican nomination.

It is intersting that in the wake of her idiotic decision to retire from the Governorship of Alaska, it is not just the liberal pundits and Democratic attack dogs going after her. It is the Republicans. Seeking to distance themselves from the religious, right-wing, gun-toting, un-intellectual (un-intelligent), Republicanism enshrined by Palin, 1/2 of the party is seeking the middle road. The other 1/2 supports her.

The problem is that the best way to come back to power is figure out how to compromise so that you win over the center while retaining enough of your power-base. Right now, the Republican party seems to be fragmenting.

And the thing is, I really hope it does. I would love to see legitimate multi-party politics in the US. I think it would make US citizens more engaged, it would give rise to a greater variety of political opinion and it would lead to legitimiate political discourse.

In the current US political system, there is a lot which is simply not spoken of because neither party wants to bring it up. A multi-party system would solve that, and solve a lot of other stuff I am too tired tonight to get into.

But the basic issue is that it is much more likely that the Republican party splits ideologically than in practice - meaning there will still be only one party, but within that party will be two warring factions. That would be a disaster for the Republican party and with come with none of the benefits of the creation of a multi-party system.

So, heres to either the collapse and split of the GOP or to its ability to get its shit together. Because to be perfectly honest, at this point, I would take some social right-wing crap in order to countermand some of the vast damage being done to this country through the dismantling of its capitalist foundations.


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