NASA Getting the point of the ISS?
NASA is set to install Tranquility - the latest section of the ISS, and with it one of the most important sections of the space station: the cupola.
Until now the largest window on the ISS was 20 inches (probably a little larger than the monitor you are looking at now). The cupola will have a 31 inch window with a lot of little windows around it.
And to me, it is possibly a sign that NASA is getting the point of the ISS. Space is amazing, it is what humanity has to explore, and it will be the most important and longest-lasting of all our explorations. Getting to space, living in space, and being able to see and enjoy the beauty of our planet from space and of the stars beyond is the real reason behind man's quest for leaving this planet.
Now, I am a pragmatist, and so I firmly believe that the only way space will work is if we make money. And there too, the cupola makes sense. If I was a prospective space tourist (ok, well, I am, but I am about $19.99 million too short) the cupola would greatly increase my interest in spending said huge sum of $ on floating in a tin can for a week.
Until now the largest window on the ISS was 20 inches (probably a little larger than the monitor you are looking at now). The cupola will have a 31 inch window with a lot of little windows around it.
And to me, it is possibly a sign that NASA is getting the point of the ISS. Space is amazing, it is what humanity has to explore, and it will be the most important and longest-lasting of all our explorations. Getting to space, living in space, and being able to see and enjoy the beauty of our planet from space and of the stars beyond is the real reason behind man's quest for leaving this planet.
Now, I am a pragmatist, and so I firmly believe that the only way space will work is if we make money. And there too, the cupola makes sense. If I was a prospective space tourist (ok, well, I am, but I am about $19.99 million too short) the cupola would greatly increase my interest in spending said huge sum of $ on floating in a tin can for a week.

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