Google Chrome OS = Cloudy time

Basically, as far as I can tell, the point of Google's Chrome OS is that you will be doing everything in the "cloud." Which of course begs the question: what if the weather's bad?

Well, it might not be for you then.

What I mean by all this babbling is basically that Chrome OS will rely heavily (almost entirely) on web-based application. Gmail for email. Google Docs for word processing. Some souped up version of Picassa for online photo editing and storage. And yes, probably also the long rumored Gstorage for storage in the "cloud."

Which again is all good, until the weather is bad (you dont have internet access). In such disastrous times you would still be able to use the offline versions of Google Office and Gmail, but you would otherwise be pretty much screwed. Of course, Google sees the whole point of this as being online, so using it offline is somewhat not the point.

In the end, I think it will basically be a small linux distro which will gain traction on little computers to start with - netbooks - any may eventually be used as a dual-boot option on larger laptops. For the timebeing though, I think it will likely succeed where Linux has so far failed, but hardly put a dent in Windows.

Does anyone else get the feeling that Microsoft is the underdog these days?

Anyway, another negative for me is that Chrome OS will be ad based, just like everything else Google. Which is fine, to a point, but I dont really like the idea of everything I do being tracked and sold for a profit (the reason I am yet to install or try the Chrome browser, and the reason I have opted out of every tracking service, including Googles, which it is possible to opt out of). I know Google's moto is "don't be evil" but apparent that allows "do track the complete actions of every individual on the planet and use that data to sell advertising." I am more comfortable with paying in $ rather than privacy.


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