Obama To Restart Guantanamo Tribunals

After the epic fail of trying to find another way of dealing with the issue, Obama has fugdged on his campaign promise and started up the Guantanamo Bay Tribunal system again, with some changes to make the system "fairer." I actually agree with this one largely, as limiting hearsay, allowing defendants to pick their own lawyers, and reducing implications from "taking the 5th" are all reasonable moves. Any evidence gathered from waterboarding has been disallowed, which I think is a dumb move in terms of the trials, but is obviously a vital political move.

Either way though, I dont see this one winning Obama many fans. Sure, I agree with it more or less, but the majority of the democratic constituency are and will be really against this. We may see (well, the general "we" as the last time I watched cable news was years ago) Fox News defending Obama this time around - which would at least be amusing.


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