NYT Blames Greenberg for "luring away" AIG execs "at cost to taxpayers"


This article, through its tone, its implications, it stupidity and its anti-capitalist, anti-competitive, fuck the principles and people that built this country premise pisses me off so fucking much I cant think straight right now.


Do people out there actually read this and think "wow, Hank Greenberg, he's really ruining this country because he is hiring away executives from a failed fuckup of a govt. bailout where a communist pay czar who was not elected and has no fucking legitimate powers at all just decided to cut their pay by 50% and completely violate their contracts, but still it's un-American to compete for talent with a goverment owned company."

The tone of the article is just so totally fucked. It keeps saying things like "exploit," "lure," and the line "While America generally loves stories of entrepreneurs making a comeback, Mr. Greenberg’s success may be at the expense of taxpayers." Clearly, the NYT is trying to show a shift in American thinking from "I like to be honest and compete" to "I would like to live in one of Ayn Rand nightmares please."


The best part of all this? Greenberg is the #2 shareholder in AIG, behind the US Government. He is fucking over the company which he owns a huge chunk of. And what do I think of that? I think he deserves a fucking Medal of Honor.


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