Just launched today is a Senate version of the Waxman-Markey bill which was passed by the house a few months ago. Like house bill, it looks like it will have almost no impact on GHG emissions while cutting US jobs, slowing the economic recovery, and generally being crappy piece of legislation which adds many more government oversights and controls. El Obamismo said "With the draft legislation they are announcing today, we are one step closer to putting America in control of our energy future and making America more energy independent," except none of that is true. If you wanted to make the US more energy independent, you would promote nuclear plants and find a real waste facility other than the failed Yucca mountain (a program which Obama has essentially shut down - and which it deserved, but there needs to be a better other option). These idiotic tax-and-trade bills only "save the environment" by marginally reducing US demand through higher costs, and at the same t...