Hillary's Campaign Debt

Remember when the Clintons left the White House? Remember how they took things that were not theirs, and then asked the public to help them out with their $7 million dollar debt, at the same time as they took a Manhattan penthouse as their NYC home for Hillary, all on the taxpayer's tab? Well, this time around, Hillary is $22 million in debt. Newly buddy buddy with Obama after their cute little jaunt to Unity NH, he is asking that campaign donors help her "retire her debt." Obviously this is a good thing for the party, but I would be livid if I were in the DNC (unlikely as that is...) as she wasted $22 million on 4 months of campaigning that the whole country knew were completely useless.

Also, where does the debt come from? What was the collateral for the loan? Or did she just max out 152 different credit cards? Because I dont know who would be stupid enough to give her campaign anything for the last few months..


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