$55 e-reader

On woot.com right now.. pretty damn cheap. Basically, this is a simple e-reader, with a color LCD screen. If it had a e-ink screen, I would buy it right now, but I am not sure about reading on a LCD screen and whether that will be any better than my netbook or Nokia 770.

However, it gets amazon.com 3 stars, and $55 is $55 - and that is damn cheap. Perhaps most importantly, it accepts ePub - which means that you can get millions of books for it, and you can "check out" books electronically from your local library.
The Sharper Image Literati 7

The Sharper Image Literati 7" Wireless Reader


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1 The Sharper Image Literati Wireless 7" Color Reader with 150 Free Books and Protective Case


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