Georgian Air Denfense

While there is still a distinct difference in story between the Georgians and Russians as to exactly how many Russian fighters were shot down, at least 5 were.

This is interesting because Georgian air defenses were still operational. When Israel bombed the Syrian reactor last year, they managed to totally shut down the whole Syrian air defense network, with electronic warfare attacks and a backdoor "key." No such luck for the Russians, as the simple (network speaking) and isolated nature of Georgia's air defenses kept them up and running.

The end result, sadly, is that Russia was still easily victorious, but it does show that Russia's status as a global military power is based more off numbers and blustering than it is actual capability.

On a related note, chalk one up for the big G.W.B. as it is widely thought that his speech about the Russian attacks against Georgia was one of the main reasons they decided to halt their advance (i.e. seriously damaging Russia's ties to the US and its global status.)


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