Alien Life

New findings lend further credence to the idea that all life on earth is in fact alien life. At least to a degree.

NASA recently found building blocks of life being delivered by the interstellar bike messengers - meteorites (seriously - I once saw one hope the curb between the Milky Way and Andromeda). The discovery is outlined in a new paper from Dr. Michael Callahan, whose team of researchers closely analyzed samples from 12 different meteorites, using a mass spectrometer and liquid chromatagraph. According to the church, they probably also used Satan's violin. In their samples, they found traces of adenine, guanine, and a variety of molecules known as nucleobase analogs -- including three that are rarely found on Earth. Scientists have long known that meteorites can contain DNA elements, but were unsure whether these materials actually originate in space. The presence of these three molecules, however, suggest that they do, potentially raising new questions about the dawn of life on Earth, and beyond.

Specifically, this could go a long way to explaining the so-called "Star Trek" conundrum: for some reason all sentient beings in the universe are bipeds with almost exactly the same body types as humans, but often with funny ears and faces. If all life were seeded from the same original set of DNA (lets call it "God") then Star Trek can be explained. 

More seriously, this is actually pretty amazing, as it has been speculated about for a long time, but there were many in the Miller–Urey camp who supported a good 'ol primordial soup and some unique Earth Special Sauce as the reason why life started on this planet, and perhaps this planet alone. 

The Origin of Life
These finding show it to be more likely that the building blocks were delivered by meteorite. And if these build blocks are common on meteorites, which they seem to be, then it would suggest that any planet with good physical conditions for life would have a pretty decent chance at making the leap from building blocks to basic organisms, to plants, to animal life. Or at least slime molds. 


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