Norm's Movie Review: Clash of The Titans

This movie is... entertaining. And cheesy. Really cheesy. The weak dialogue is saved by the fact that there really isn't any. Most characters say less than three lines before... well.. they are not in the picture anymore.

It was a summer action romp, and as the first of the summer tentpoles, it was quite good. I saw it in 2D because I heard the 3D was a joke, and the effects were impressive, which is really what this movie is riding on. Its worth seeing in theaters if you like big action scenes.

It does have some notable features:
1) Opening scenes which looked so much like they were filmed on a backlot I thought I was back in a 1950's war movie, looking over the railing of a battleship in the pacific with two guys talking and the camera bobbing up and down..
2) Random owl scene as tribute to the 1981 film with Bubo the mechanical sidekick
3) Cheesiest training scene ever: "Have you ever handled a sword before?" "No, I'm a fisherman." Que the cheesy metal pump up song... and... 30 seconds later... Perseus is the greatest swordsman who ever lived. Its an 80's training montage even more condensed.
4) Worst line ever: "you are not a god or a man, you are the best of both"... ouch (and I am really not ruining anything here, promise)
5) Biggest baddie in the history of baddies. The Kraken is well... enormous. In sheer scale, I think it is the largest beast ever unleashed by Hollywood, at least on earth in a big-budget movie.
6) Terrible attempt at greek prophetic trickery
7) Sam Worthington is flatter in this than he is in Avatar. Think the Mongol Steppe or the Great Plains.. it kind of works, but could do with a little something more.
8) Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes do a good job as Zeus/Hades, but they were not given all that much to work with


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