The Enemy is... PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a great tool. When used in moderation. Interesting article today in the NYT about how there is a backlash against the overuse of powerpoint within the military. Though the slide that brought this about is a spaghetti bowl organizational chart, the real issue is bullets.

Which brings me to this fantastic quote:
“Some problems in the world are not bullet-izable.”
- General McMaster

Hell of a quote, and a hell of a name.

I can see how the rigid regularity of ppt goes oh so well with the military, to the point that it stifles original thinking and problem solving. I think we need to move past PowerPoint v1.0 (honestly - have they really changed much in years?) and move on towards using it as an informative tool. Slides should have far fewer bullet points, and instead be focused on informative graphics and media which cannot be relayed through words.

Great article though - well worth the read:


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