Jon Stewart Hammers Apple

An apple employee lost the prototype to the next iPhone. Someone with limited morals found it, offered it to Engadget (they refused) so then sold it to the 2nd largest tech site (now maybe the largest with all this traffic), Gizmodo, for $5,000.

Apple then got really pissed, and got the police on the case, to the point of breaking down the door to a Giz editor's house and confiscating his computers etc.

Funny that I just wrote a long piece about how trying to use a stick to bludgeon the internet into submission is pretty much an idiotic thing to try and do. Well, Apple, which has a history of treating everyone, especially customers, like shit and yet being loved for it, just got turned on by Jon Stewart. Which is not a good thing for a company which relies on basically his audience to sell its overpriced wares.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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