GM's $4.7 billion govt loan repayment was paid with.. Govt. Loans


This is the kind of bullshit you get when a government is running a company with a political aim (look - nationalizing industry and giving control to the unions does work!).

Turns out that the $4.7 billion that Government Motors paid back a week ago was actually from an escrow account using... government loans as a source of funding.

The govt. is coming out and saying that the govt. did nothing wrong by paying the govt. back with money from the govt. but it is pretty damn clear that the whole thing stinks like Al Gore's feet.

The money specifically came from TARP funds. Which means that GM really has paid back nothing. This administration is honestly the sleazyest most double-dealing and morally corrupt administration that I have ever seen. At least with Billy Bob Clinton you knew you were dealing with an operator, somehow the Obama administration simultaneously claims to be clean while continuously abusing their rights, powers, the constitution, the beliefs and decisions of the American public, and basic morality.

Ohhh... I forgot. They are doing it all for our good, because we don't what is best for ourselves. Forgot about that part.


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