Hope and Change

Gordon Brown just asked the Queen to dissolve Parliament, and call for a general election on May 6th. Which gives everyone exactly one month to campaign (a much better system don't you think? Though you already know the candidates, because they have usually been around in Parliament for years).

The funny thing? It is all going to be about "Hope and Change." Hope and change to oust the labour party which has managed to piss off most of the country and get rid of the goodwill built up by his Tonyness.

In this case, "Hope and Change" is about bringing in a younger, better looking, better spoken candidate who is something of a political outsider and has very little experience. He has a liberal arts degree from one of the nation's top colleges, has polled strongly among younger voters, and has spoken of a need for a "new type of politics."

It just so happens that he is a conservative.

It also happens that he has a few redeeming qualities. He loves Margaret Thatcher. He describes himself as "not very ideological." He is a moderate, more or less. He also, thankfully, has less power than Obama to truly screw things up, as the PM is not the same as the POTUS.

There is a chance that Gordon Brown stays in power and the UK is subjected to a further 5years of boredom, but that is not likely the case.

Go Hope and Change go!! w00t w00t


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