The Daily Show on Tea Party and the media

I think the Daily show is hilarious. I dont always agree with John Stewart, but I think his premise is actually quite similar to mine - cutting through the crap of modern politics, media, and public opinion. As well as just taking about interesting and random crap.

He is probably one of the less biased "news" shows out there, though he is comedian. He is obviously intelligent, and once you understand where he is coming from, almost all of his segments are hilarious, and often well done.

For example - this is well worth the watch, as is most of his coverage of the Tea Party movement and the media around it (which has generally been ridiculous - focused only on the 'crazies' - he has another segment on that as well).

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Nationwide Tax Protests
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party


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