Eyjafjallajokull: A Major Climate Threat

Nope, I did not just mash the keyboard and make that up. Eyjafjallajokull is a volcano in Iceland. And it is starting to erupt.

Well, its been erupting for a couple of weeks already. But Eyjafjallajokull is more dangerous because it has always served as the blasting cap for its brother, Katla. The top of Katla is held down by a number of glaciers. These glaciers are being melted by the flows coming from Eyjafjallajokull.

The last time Katla went off, in the 1700's, the Mississippi froze almost all the way to New Orleans.

When Eyjafjallajokull erupts Katla always follows. The only question, and it is a big one, is how soon.

I am really not making this up, and it is now April 2nd, not April 1st. Eyjafjallajokull is a real volcano, which makes it that much funnier. For a laugh (thought that is mostly real) see the Mima Mounds from a couple days ago.


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