Sidestepping Congress: The Debt Crises
One of the main arguments being put forward right now is that the government debt crises is "artificial" - there is no specific reason why there has to be a August 2nd deadline (that one's Obama's) and that congress can't just punt and raise the debt limit. That one is being blamed mostly on the Tea Party and Republicans. The claim is that there is basically no real crises, just something we made up to make a political issue out of it all. In fact, an idiotic professor has put forward an idea about how another idiotic professor could sidestep Congress by issuing the Treasury two trillion dollar coins, or a two trillion option on government real estate . The man, a con law professor at Yale, is clearly exactly the kind of academic moron you would never want running the country... yeah..... The reality is that there is a crises. Yes, this specific limit is arbitrary, but so would any other limit be. Do you wait to hit $20 Trillion? $50 trillion (it wont take t...