Quote of the Weak

“We cannot continue down the same dangerous road we’ve been traveling for so many years, with costs that are out of control, because reform is not a luxury that can be postponed, but a necessity that cannot wait.”

I agree totally, but completely out of context. This was Obama talking after he received a commitment from the health care industry to cut costs... however, the cost cutting was largely expected to come in the form of reducing red tape and regulation. Good so far. However, Obama still wants public health care. Yes, this would "control costs" to the consumer, but what does econ teach us about govt. subsidies? Not a good thing, almost ever. And how about "controlling costs" for the US govt? Bush and Obama together will have left this nation bankrupt.

What amazes me is that at the same time they can realize the only way to cut costs for the industry is to reduce regulation, and then propose govt. involvement (the opposite of this) in order to further reduce costs. How can that possibly, in any way, make sense?


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