GM Bankruptcy Plan: Help the Govt. and UAW, screw the creditors

Is it just me, or is there a theme emerging here? A theme of screw Wall St. screw investors, and screw capitalism? The current plan for the expected GM bankruptcy will leave the govt. with 50% of the company, the UAW with 39%, creditors with 10%, and stockholders with 1%.

Fair? No. Russian? Yes. Well, not really Russian. More French actually.

I understand that a company has an obligation to its workers, but it also has an obligation to those who own the company (shareholders) and those who the company owes (debtholders). The current plan, as in all Obamasocialistfrenchanticapitalistidioticpopulistdumbasshitism plans screws over these latter two as they are they are the evil capitalists using their factories and wealth to enslave the proletariat and take away its humanity. Whoops.. slipped into a little Marx there.

Wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone worked on what they wanted, owned the full result of their work-product, were paid according to their needs, and all helped each other out in a great circle of benevolence?


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