
To paraphrase from on of the greatest speeches of all time, it seems the overall Obama plan is to crucify this country on a cross of righteousness.

Every one of his actions is aimed at creating a system whereby the "deserving" are given the money of the "greedy," where the govt. arbitrarily rules in order to "protect those who cannot protect themselves," and above all, do what is "morally right."

The end result will be a crucifixion, a sacrifice of the most powerful nation on earth to the most base desires of man. This country will be punished for its long history of success and achievement. It will be torn down piece by piece to prove that no man is worth more than another, that the value of a company is in the number of people it employs, that to work for money is greed but to be valued highly for beauty or athletic ability is the pinnacle of achievement, that true value is only created in taking away, not adding to.

It is a crime, and a crime that few see and fewer oppose. It is a travesty of social evolution, a triumph of the mob, and a failure of the human spirit.


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