Apple Squashes the little guy

It has long been known that while Apple positions itself as the plucky little guy compared to Microsoft, it is not really that good at actually pleasing people.

Because of design, because of desire, because of fanboy tech love, Apple has a very very strong following. But it has always treated people like crap. Its tech support is notorious. Its manufacturer warranty terms are draconian. And now, you can add to this its total screwing-over of developers.

While the iPhone app store has been a huge success, and one that now dominates all iPhone advertising, the actual developers are not getting paid. Supposedly, Apple takes 30% of revenues and passes the rest on to developers. This is meant to happen on a monthly basis. It is not. Instead, there are cropping up thousands of stories of developers getting nothing for months.

The sad part is these are often work-from-home out-of-a-tech-job types who are relying on this revenue to pay the bills. So Apple's either a) tardyness, b) cheap as way to get short term liquidity or c) both of the above is causing real-world pain.

Of course, as Apple is the Obama of tech companies (or maybe Obama is the Apple of politicians?) they are hardly catching any flack for this at all.

Long live Windows.


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