German Hog

Nope, this is not some credible alternative to Harley coming out of Germany.

This is about hogs, the porcine kind. Turns out that wild boars are trying to take over Germany. Scientists think their numbers have expanded by 320% in the country last year alone. That is a lot of angry, unfriendly, intelligent and ugly pigs running around. The only upside is they are supposedly good 'eatin.

Turns out the population explosion is likely due to mild winters and an increase in corn cultivation - one of their favorite foods. What is not fully know is why German boar litters average 7-8 uncute-piglets, while other European litters average only 4-5, however the likely speculation is it is due to the large quantities of food around.

The boars have been reported attacking people, killing pets, and digging up corpses in cemeteries. Actually, it turns out that they are a big fan of cemeteries, which is really disgusting and fair bit disturbing. One word: zombies.

Germany is not the only country hit, with the American south (the hogs of the American south are descendants of the eurotrash hogs). Turns out that though there are no hard numbers on growth, it is widely agreed that the 4 million hogs in the south are rapidly becoming millions upon millions of hogs. Missouri has gone so far to put the following message to hunters on its Web site: "If you encounter a feral hog while hunting deer or other game, shoot it on sight." Hogs are known to carry the flu, anthrax, brucellosis, solanum, pseudorabies, and tuberculosis.

Further evidence of the hog/zombie theory comes from the Telegraph in the UK:
"Federal strike teams armed with machine guns stage aerial assaults while landowners in badly affected areas turn to a growing band of private trappers and hunters."

It always seems that hardy omnivorous animals do the best around humans. Hogs definitely fit the bill. It seems their time has come. Build your hog/zombie shelter now and prepare for the worst.


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