Supplying the ISS

The ISS is the biggest and most impressive space endeavor since Apollo. I personally think it is a waste of time, but there are some interesting aspects to it.

Soon, Japan will launch its first resupply mission targeted at the ISS. A new heavy lift object will hurl a unmanned pod at the ISS. This has been done before, including by the ESA's ATV. The reason there is all the interest is that with the Space Shuttle going away someone needs to get stuff to the ISS, and the US does not really have the capability (which is pretty much ridiculous).

The cool part about this one is that instead of a fancy ship with automated docking systems and the computer brains to make it all work, the ship is just smart enough to stop near the ISS. Then, the ISS will use its big robot arm to reach out, grab the vessel, and dock it. This should decrease cost and complexity for the disposable resupply ships.
Artist's impression of HTV approaching ISS (Image:JAXA)

The best thing that can be said about the ISS is that it is showing the ways in which we can successfully inhabit space. Unfortunately, being a government run effort, it has always done so at incredible expense.


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