NPR, Acorn, and Bigotry

The farse that is acorn, liberal ideology and our current POTUS.

From the WSJ:

"a fourth Acorn office visit by freelance investigators James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles. As Johnny Carson used to say, it's weird, wild stuff. The woman manning the Acorn office in San Bernardino, Calif., Tresa Kaelke, responds to the pair's requests for help setting up a child-prostitution ring by claiming to be an ex-prostitute herself. "Heidi Fleiss is my hero!" she exclaims. When Giles claims her former pimp abused her, Kaelke tells of having been abused by an ex-husband--then confesses to his premeditated murder."

The liberal attitude in response to this can be neatly summarized as follows.
NPR's Frank James:
"It's also important to keep in mind that ACORN's workers are coming from the same low-income neighborhoods the organization serves, with all that entails--poor schools, high crime and the sorts of social problems that have been documented for decades.

So the flaws conservatives are pointing out about ACORN are not so much problems associated with that organization per se but more about the problems of being poor and minority in urban America."

In other words, bigotry. High-handed, I am doing this for all the right reasons, you really can't blame the individual and its not their fault bigotry, but bigotry nonetheless.

And then of course, you have the NYT, which I like as a paper as long as I am not reading anything about politics.

This was their take on the story:
"For months during last year's presidential race, conservatives sought to tar the Obama campaign with accusations of voter fraud and other transgressions by the national community organizing group Acorn, which had done some work for the campaign.

But it took amateur actors, posing as a prostitute and a pimp and recorded on hidden cameras in visits to Acorn offices, to send government officials scrambling in recent days to sever ties with the organization.

Conservative advocates and broadcasters were gleeful about the success of the tactics in exposing Acorn workers, who appeared to blithely encourage prostitution and tax evasion. It was, in effect, the latest scalp claimed by those on the right who have made no secret of their hope to weaken the Obama administration by attacking allies and appointees they view as leftist."

Spin much?

Anyway, too much to do to write a lot here, but suffice it to say I hope this thing has legs because the best option for America over the next couple years is to hamstring the democrats and then regain rep. congressional control in the mid-terms. That is the only way to stem the tide of big-government spending bills and socialist programs.


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