Obama Loves Lawyers: How the EPA will screw America

I have written before on how lawyers are the single biggest contributor to the Obama administration. They know a good bet when they see one, and a lot of half-baked big government "hope and change" legislation has been and will continue to be a major windfall for the lawyers of this country. Their influence with the administration is one reason why we wont see tort reform, why the healthcare industry will stay screwed, and now, why American industry is going to be taken to the cleaners.

The administration is pushing for CO2 and other greenhouse gasses to be listed as "dangerous to the public." Rev up your paralegals, the drag race to class action will start in Mach 2010. The point of this is that if the US Congress decides that Waxman-Markey is a horrendous, biased, and ridiculous POS (which it is), the administration will instead go through with its own regulations based on calling CO2 etc "dangerous." It lets them impose all kinds of blunt health and safety regulations which will harm everyone large and small.

It will also allow lawsuits to be brought on the basis of emissions. Live next to a coal plant? How about a factory? Actually, how about you just live in the US, because there is no way to prove any "harm" from CO2 other than perhaps "global warming" "caused" by CO2 reduced the crop yield on your farm, or increased your summer AC bills, or killed off your favorite begonias.

Don't get me wrong, I think that there is a likely link between CO2 and higher global temperatures, but the scientific jury is still out on that one, and I think before we go around and kill off American industry, we should at least have proven the basis for the genocide.


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