SPECIAL DEAL: Recognize Ossetia, get 15% off Russian Arms Purchases!

Until today only one country had recognized the membership in the USSR independence of the breakaway Georgian regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and that country was Nicaragua. Which relies on Russia for just about everything, especially its military.

Today, el Chavismo declared that Venezuela would also recognize the regions as independent. This is of course tied to the fact that Caracas has a close relationship with Moscow, and will presumably get a nice discount from Putin on some T-72 tanks, Kilo subs, Kalashnikovs or all of the above.

Actually, these days its cheaper to get your small arms from China - what Venezuela is buying from Russia is the ability to wage a more advanced war. Which is always a good thing when the buyer is a crazed meglomaniac demagogue dictator with a standing army and that classic sign of a crazy dictator - a second standing army outside of the structure of the regular military.

Speaking of countries with two separate militaries (oh wait, and countries that are friends with Venezuela and Russia..), Iran just proposed a new nuclear 'deal' which it will have absolutely no intention of sticking to. Russia is the main proponent of settling things diplomatically. No surprises there.


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