Policy Recap

Quick recap of what we have seen in the last year or so (and certainly, some of these started with the previous administration, but have gotten worse with the current one. Others are 100% new admin).

• Monetary policy will likely cause inflation.

• The fiscal-stimulus package will likely result in unprecedented levels of deficits and interest payments that reduce the amount of credit going to the private sector.

• Federal spending on infrastructure, social programs, and transfers to the states will increase government consumption and transfers, lead to more regulation and, in some cases, encroach on state responsibilities, damaging the integrity of the legal system.

• Bailout policies involve changes in existing rules, damaging property rights, the integrity of the legal system, and the legal enforcement of contracts.

• Other measures, or proposed measures, that will reduce economic freedom include higher marginal incometax rates, increased regulation of the financial and manufacturing industries, and increased regulation related to the cap-and-trade system.


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