Worlds Fastest.... steam powered car.

Yeah, there is a guy out there still trying to make steam powered cars go fast.. amazing. One of the all-time best episodes of scrapheap challenge is when the two teams had to make steam powered cars. This however, is slightly faster than those.. and the best part is that its called the World's Fastest Kettle

The top speed of this beast should be 170mph. It heats water to 752degrees, and then injects the vapor into a 13,000rpm turbine.

But, the best part of this is that the World Fastest Kettle is looking to break a record established in 1906. When you hear "steam powered" and "1906" I expected something in the range of 20-50mph.

Not so.

The previous, 1906, record stands at 127.658mph. That is quite possibly more amazing. It was achieved in this:



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