Yeah, so N. Korea got all upity and threatened to walk out on nuclear talks. Why? Because they know how to play the UN, the US, and the rest of the developed world like a fiddle. They do whatever the hell that they want (launching an illegal test of a ballistic missile) and then they get angry when the UN attempts to state that the illegal test was actually illegal, and not a "communications satellite."

What does this prove?

North Korea will not, ever, do anything but play games with the US and the UN. From their perspective, a nuclear missile and a nuclear bomb are keys to security. Their missile program and to some extent their weapons programs are their only viable exports. Thus, they have no incentive to give up the program. When the UN/other party offers an incentive, which has happened in the past, N. Korea simply takes their program underground, or plays along for a while until it pops back up again so they can start the process over again.

Airstrikes. Thats all I am going to say about that.


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