My Letter to Colby Security

Mr. Chenevert is the head of Colby security. The backstory is that about a year and a half ago I was back on campus as an alumni, and when they came to break up a dorm party, they kicked me off campus for no good reason. When I returned to campus, they agressively manhandled me, told me I would be charged with trespassing etc. Obviously, it was just one in what is likely many incidents where Colby security has been overly agressive with the students.

Obviously, this most recent case went far far further, where racist Colby security guards and racist Waterville and other local cops (and yes, a large percentage of that area of Maine is heavily racist, especially the cops, so I am not just inferrign from the incident), teamed up to completely violoate the rights of Colby students.

I can only hope that this is one case where the truth gets out, as usually security forces cover each others asses, perjur the hell out of themselves, and get the benefit of the doubt in court.

Mr. Chenevert,

You likely do not remember an incident of a year an half ago where I, as an alumni of Colby College, was kicked off campus and aggressively manhandled by members of the Colby Security force. At the time, blame was laid largely on a ex-Waterville Police Officer, who I was told would not be staying with Colby Security for long. Believing in my Alma Mater, I let it go at that.

In the light of the incidents this weekend, I am ashamed with myself with not having taken this matter further. As it is clear Colby security are not only overly aggressive, but also racist, and generally unfit for the jobs they hold, I am upset that I did not attempt to press charges or bring legal action against the school for the treatment I received. Perhaps then you would have woken up, at least in part, to the fact that the Colby Security office has continuously upheld a tradition of hyper-aggressive behavior cloaked beneath a veneer of authority.

The actions of Colby Security over the last seven years (the extent of my knowledge) have transformed the College from a place of fraternity, safety, and good natured living into a national example of miss-managed campus security. As a result, Colby's relations with Waterville have precipitously declined, student quality of living has declined, and the College's reputation has also declined.

I would wish nothing more at this point than to see you, and the entire Colby Security force, replaced. If I can make a suggesstion, it seems you would find better employment with the Maine Department of Corrections.

Alexander Tallett
Class of '06


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