Most complex crop circle ever discovered in British fields

"The most complex, "mind-boggling" crop circle ever to be seen in Britain has been discovered in a barley field in Wiltshire.

The formation, measuring 150ft in diameter, is apparently a coded image representing the first 10 digits, 3.141592654, of pi.

It is has appeared in a field near Barbury Castle, an iron-age hill fort above Wroughton, Wilts, and has been described by astrophysicists as "mind-boggling".

Michael Reed, an astrophysicist, said: "The tenth digit has even been correctly rounded up. The little dot near the centre is the decimal point."

My take? It was probably made by a couple of guys with some wood and string who do this for fun. Actually... hells no. Most of these have evidence that they were not "broken" like a board would do, but actually bent down, in a way that is pretty hard to achieve. Not to mention the kind of amazing detail that goes into something like this - and the fact that they have been highly consistent over the years, and consistently getting more complicated. I am just proud of the fact that they are centered in England.


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