Oh'MyBama 2008 #2

Campaign finance:

Obama has opted out of public financing, the first candidate since the 70's to do so. The golden child claimed that the system was broken and the Republicans were gaming the system using 527 groups, and so on and so forth. That damn McCain and his scheming downright dirty campaign finance, what with the dirty real estate deals and shady past.. oh, that Obama? McCain was a crusader against such abuses? Oh, sorry, got confused. I forget the actual numbers, but in the last election the money flowing into pro-Kerry PAC's and 527s was multiples more than what came into the Bush campaign. For every "Swift Boat Veterans" ad, there were 100 from moveon.org. And, someone I know who owns a number of TV stations said that the democratic groups were blatantly organizing advertising, trading off days and making sure they spread the ads in the best possible way. It is illegal for PAC's to talk to each other an coordinate. Of course, the golden child will likely only get a slap on the wrist for this..

NYT Article:


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