Oh'MyBama '08 #1

'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.' - Barack Obama

My brother sent me this quote. I thought for a while one how to use it. To rant about the simple idocy of this statement. The fact that one man, emboldend by a natual economic cycle and failures in Iraq (which now, though the press does not cover such things, has actually passed a turning point) is attempting to win our support by promising to dismantle, alter, over-regulate, and smother the founding principles of this country is appaling. Even more appaling is that he might win, and the press loves him for it. One of the best lines from any movie (though not the best movie, still a good one) was in Star Wars Episode III: "so this is how democracy ends, to thunderous applause." We are not quite there, but we are staring at the end of American capitalism as we know it.

So, in the coming months, my goal will be to pick up where the press leaves off. I.e. everything that should be reported on Obama but is not. Or to be honest, the stuff I find worth writing about and that I have time to track down, write about etc.

Lets start it off with the 57 States of the United States, shall we?


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