Ireland - No Lisbon Treaty

I know I know, way behind on this one. But it is interesting because it is the second time that the people of Europe have struck down the idea of the EU as the US of E. Ireland was the only nation to have to have a popular vote, the rest of the 'democracies' were just going to stick it to their people regardless of their desires. The treaty makes sense to those living in the forest (read: Brussels), but only because it makes the EU more efficient at governing the states of Europe. Turns out that when asked, the European people (and I think most nations would have voted down the treaty) are not all about getting run by a bastion of bureaucracy.

On the other hand..

Looking at the Euro currency movements, it is apparent that traders are betting the content of the treaty of Lisbon or some other workaround will be slipped into Croatia's accession treaty.

So there you have it, bureaucracy finding a way to smother the people in its rawest form, the greatest downfall of the modern state.


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