$199 iPhone

Yup. Get 'yer iPhone for $200. Sure it sucks as a cellphone, but it is pretty sweet.. and $30 a month for data sounds like a good deal...

Actually, though I am far from an apple fan boy, I like the iPhone. But when they have commercials which say it replaces your iPod, cellphone, camera, and mobile internet device (all of which I have), I think that is taking it too far. Its a mediocre cell phone, a good mobile internet device, an ok mp3/video player with a nice screen, and is hardly a camera. But for $199, only $70 more than I paid for my current phone, I might be interested.

The catch. No jailbreaking. AT&T or have a $200 paperweight. Since is the same as other cellphones, cant really complain. Low price, pay apple as a manufacturer not as part of the plan, and automatic activation? Probably what they should have just done in the first place.

In the meantime, RIM is now one of the top 5 cell phone manufacturers by sales in the US... I dont know if the iPhone is really anything more than the icon of a new generation of phones. I dont think it will be the amazing success so many predict(ed).


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