JC Power intital quality survey for cars

I always find this one amusing. Car makers make a big deal about it. The point of the survey is basically to find out how many things people dont like about the brand new car that they just bought. The best off this year is Porsche, which is probably because if you just convinced yourself to overpay $40,000 for a VW Tuareg, you are probably trying to convince yourself to be happy. On the other side are Mini and Hummer. In years past, many of the complaints about the Mini have been that the trunk was too small (hmm... "mini"....) or that the cupholders did not accommodate large American drinks. The complaints about that Hummer you just bought usually focus on the fact that (shocker!) they dont actually get good gas mileage.

Combined with the study which just came out that 95% of returned electronics actually work perfectly, people are just too dumb to figure them out, this reaffirms my belief that people are dumb.


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