Wikipedia Without the Internet

Wikipedia is a huge store of information. Really good information, on just about everything. I use it all the time, and it provides both entertainment (reading about old military stuff etc) and a heck of a lot of informative articles...

But what would you do without the internet? Yes, you could bring the CD of Microsoft Encarta around with you, but really, was 1997 all that awesome? More than that, the breadth of Wikipedia puts everything before it (even the venerable and much loved Encyclopedia Britannica) to shame.

I recently got to thinking about the ability to have wikipedia saved offline, as a simple resource and reference guide if ever needed when in the (increasingly small) parts of the world where the interweb does not reach.

And well... here it is (don't click unless you know how to use torrents / TPB):

Unsurprisingly, the folks over at The Pirate Bay have already taken care of this. Somewhat surprisingly, the whole thing is a very manageable 5GB, thanks to some fancy footwork and the fact that the whole thing loads as a database through a dedicated reader (sorry, no smartphones allowed).

Still though, pretty damn useful to have around. And of course, when the apocalypse comes, you will still know how to properly prepare a Mint Julep, which ship to choose as your base for a new world order, and of course, the design and use of giant trebuchets to destroy the stronghold of your (many, and cowering) enemies.
Yes, you are in trouble.


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