Greeks Protest Not Being Bankrupt

The Greeks are up in arms because their government is attempting to not bankrupt the nation.

Seriously. They are rioting over austerity measures which are blatantly necessary to pull the debt ridden nation away from the brink. This is what you get when you borrow too much, work to little, and lie constantly.

Unless you are Italy that is, where about 15% of the national GDP comes from the Mafia. I suppose that is one form of diversification.

But yes, the Greeks are angry and are trying to topple the current governement. Because clearly, if they can just stop the austerity measures, the government will be able to continue printing money, and they will go on being able to retire in their 50's, get paid for 14months for 12months work (government employees get this) and take 6 weeks of vacation a year.

Honestly, the only way that would work is in Russia, where the average life expectancy is the late 60's. Which brings me to a further point: we (and the Greeks) could solve social security if we all drank copious amounts of vodka and offed ourselves soon after retiring.

Or, crazy idea here, nations could build social welfare platforms which are not vote buying pyramid schemes.


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